Squidward: I already told you, that award is a bunch of.Krabs about this! It'll hurt my chances of winning the award! Squidward: You're losing it! Don't you know that award is a load of.Squidward: Need some help? What are you doing?.SpongeBob: No.! How could I have let the quality of my work slip so much?!.There might be a new face on the wall this month. Squidward appears to be on the verge of a breakout. Krabs: Thattaboy, SpongeBob! This is going to be a tough one though! There's no clear cut winner! Watch out, SpongeBob. Having pride in your work is nothing to be ashamed of, why it's the only thing that makes it all worthwhile. SpongeBob: Squidward, you've got it all wrong.Squidward: Oh, for what? To get my face on the Wall of Shame?.
You could win it too if you tried harder. Krabs gives you that award, so you'll work harder for no extra money. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode ' Employee of the Month' from season 1, which aired on March 8, 2000.
' Scaredy Pants' List of episode transcripts